Running with my Thesis

A grad student and her dog

A rough start to the day

on August 10, 2013

When I woke up I took a bleary glance at the clock and though “Oh good, single digits! I must not have slept in…” Then I grabbed my classes. 1:30 p.m.


Anyway, after doing some mid-afternoon stretches I got myself in gear and took wee Thesis for her longer Saturday Morning Afternoon walk. It’s a really lovely path that starts a few blocks from my house. When I take it in the morning it’s usually just me, a few other people walking their dogs, and some joggers, but by mid-afternoon it’s usually got people strolling along or even having cook-outs. Today I even found someone fishing. It’s all very pleasant.

Thesis wants to know why we are stopping to take a photo of our beautiful tree-lined path when we could be walking right now.

Thesis wants to know why we are stopping to take a photo of our beautiful tree-lined path when we could be walking right now.

The only drawback was that I had my phone (to take photos) and that meant people could text me. One of my colleagues, bless his wee cotton socks, is having a very hard time with the writing process right now and I spent a bit of our walk standing around texting him advice (like write something and then edit it, rather than trying to write something perfect the first draft). Poor doggie. Worst walk ever, as she informed me with deeply displeased looks. Clearly her sheep (that would be me) needs to learn how to text and walk at the same time, like all the kids these days.

Notes: Still felt a bit sore from last night but walking seems to have fixed that. I did remember to eat breakfast, but I haven’t eaten anything since and that is a problem. Need to eat more.

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