Running with my Thesis

A grad student and her dog

Week 2, Day 2: The Zombies are coming (the dog is ready for them)

on August 10, 2013

I’m on Week 2 of both Couch to 5K (using Chubby Jones’ podcasts to get through it) and also Week 2 of the Zombies, Run! 5k training.

You might be thinking “Anna, why are you doing two separate training routines” and I’d have to tell you the truth: I’m doing it for the dog. The poor ever-suffering dog. I mean, really – her life is hard enough, being saddled with both a name like Thesis and a grad student to live with. And she gets bored very very easily. Thus, I mix up our running routine as much as possible to keep her interested.

(She hates Zombies Run!, simply because it has much shorter running intervals than C25k. When I stop after running to do heel lifts, you’d think I’d just suggested I cut her food. She gives me the most terrible look of distress. But I like Zombies Run! because it gives me a good idea of how fast I’m running and how far I’ve gone, and also I’m really invested in the plot. Some days, a doggie just has to suffer.)

Today was a Zombies Run! Day, specifically Week 2 Day 2. Poor Thesis was quite distressed, but we did do a longer distance than we have in the past, so hopefully that made up for it. Tomorrow morning I plan on taking her out for a nice long walk, but it depends on whether or not I get up in the morning – it is, after all, 4 a.m. and I haven’t hit the sheets yet.

Notes: Legs are sore, even after stretching. I think I need to find a better stretching routine or talk to someone about it. Enjoyed the run, though. Must remember to change up the music a bit – listening to the same songs over and over is getting dull.

Thesis came home and went to sleep. Victory!

A very out of focus photo of 1 (one) very tired doggie and her ball

A very out of focus photo of 1 (one) very tired doggie and her ball

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